The first word...
...from our mother’s lips
when the nurse places
our mushy body in her arms.
...we learn to form
by playing peek-a-boo with
pudding all over our face.
...from which we discover
that I is I – and
that you is you.
...we want to echo eternally
across galaxies of stars
because we know it means
I exist. I hope you do too.
Habari. Сайн уу. Kia Ora. Pẹlẹ o. سلام Slav.
Γεια σου. ہیلو Ciao. 你好 Aloha.
Sveiki. привіт. Hej. Nnọọ.
Hola. שלום Xin Cháo.
Salut. Բարեւ Ձեզ.