
The Tender Time installation centres on an immersive video animation (5 min looped) of the Voyager probe shown moving slowly through space. The video is projected 2 meters high on two walls of the gallery space. The video projection is accompanied by a soundtrack (92 min looped) that remixes the music and sounds of the Golden Record, with music from a windup gramophone and the words of regret recorded by the audience during the creation of the soundtrack. The installation also includes a single screen video narrative (5 min looped) that captures life narratives at a human scale that offers an important juxtaposition to the intergalactic scale of the video projection. Against a wall of the gallery space is a small writing desk on which a ledger for written regrets is placed so that visitors to the exhibition can write their own stories of regret. This multimedia work includes also printed material that affords an augmented reality experience using smartphone.